The Heritage 23
The Heritage 23 is a lugsail rigged, modernized Mackinaw boat. Mackinaw boats are classified as schooners and also fit the historic definition of cutters.. They were developed in our region in the 1800’s as fishing boats, cargo carriers and passenger haulers. Their size was typically bigger by about 1-1/2 times than the Heritage 23 displayed here and were normally gaff rigged.. A picture hanging in the Iosco County Building indicates that they were in common use on Tawas Bay.

The D.P. Stowe
A partially completed Penobscot 14, was donated by the estate of David Stowe, and now takes center stage in the Heritage Coast boat building shop in Tawas, Michigan. David Stowe completed approximately 80% of his Penobscot 14 before his death in 2011. When completed, the Penobscot 14 will be named the “D.P. Stowe” in honor of David. The finished Penobscot 14 will be set up as a rowing boat or as a sailing skiff with a removable Gunter rig (Gaff rigged sloop). In 2013, we will set up the Penobscot 14 as a rowing boat for one or two rowers and later in 2014, the Penobscot 14 will be fitted with a Gunter rigging and sails to make it sailing skiff. The Penobscot 14 will be welcome addition to our community rowing and sailing programs.
The Mutineer 15
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The Workstar 17
Originally intended as a small workboat for remote villages in the developing
world, the Workstar 17 plywood/epoxy boat building method was embraced
from the start by amateur boatbuilders who had been put off building their
own boats by the complexity – and the mystique – and the skills required to
build their own boat. The Workstar 17 has also been built by organizations
such as the Sea Cadets, the City of London School, Heritage Coast Sailing &
Rowing; in replacement workboat aid projects in Papua New Guinea, the
Solomon Islands, Madagascar and Argentina, and used for teaching modern
boat building in maritime colleges in the UK, France and Germany.”