Organization: Heritage Coast Sailing and Rowing Incorporated (H C S & R) is a non-profit corporation. Its purpose is to, on a community basis:
Programs to achieve these goals include:
- convert historic regional designs to modern boat building techniques, kit boat building techniques, and volunteer boat builder capabilities
- receive and restore donated boats, using volunteer boat builders, for revenue and/or use
- build and/or restore boats, to minimize capital requirements, utilizing volunteer boat builders, for use by community members
- raise funds for capital requirement and operating expenses by operating a “ship’s store”, by conducting fund-raising drives, and by conducting events, classes and regattas.
- the Heritage-23 is the one design boat chosen as the primary build-row-sail boat of H C S & R
- direct expenses associated with the community sailing and rowing portion of the program are to be covered by membership fees and other direct revenues
- programs for pleasure, fitness and competitive rowing and sailing will be developed

These goals and programs have direct implications for members:
- members should be aware that the vessels in use by H C S & R are built from kits by dedicated volunteers of varying skills and experience
- In the case of donated boats, members should be aware made that these vessels are old and have been restored by dedicated volunteers of varying skill levels
- In both instances, there may be additional risk associated with equipment use, and such underlying and/or additional risk is borne by using members.